R. H. White Encyclopedia of the Colors of United States Postage Stamps 4 Volumes

Here for your consideration. Published by Philatelic Research Limited, 1981, Germantown, MD. This set is Like New and in excellent shape. This is the two binder set comprising of Volumes I II (Issues of 1847 1868, and Issues of 1869 1893) and Volumes III IV (Issues of 1894 1907, and Issues of 1908 1918 & […]
Ellington Zwisler Rocket Mail Catalogs 2 volumes! 1904 1972 BlueLakeStamps

1904 – 1972 BlueLakeStamps. (29-29, 30 – shelf reference). Saw no marking flipping through. The collections come from all over the country and some from foreign sources. Many I have not had them long or examined the items closely. Many nice stamps (unless noted above otherwise) but these are old albums and you should not […]