#2, 10c 1847 Issue, USED, Extremely Fine & sound, RED grid, 2020 PFC (graded 90)

UNITED STATES of AMERICA. 10c George Washington – Black (1847 Issue). The impression is strong and the color is bright. With a light RED circular grid cancellation. That does not obscure the design of the stamp. There are no faults, a great-looking stamp. Accompanied by three expert certificates. 2020 PF certificate #570645 (graded 90). 2002 […]
RM 243, 25¢ VA 1st Fed. Issue embossed revenue 1799 N woman as payment

RM 243, 25¢ VA 1st Fed. Strong strike of the 25¢ Virginia First Federal Issue embossed revenue stamped paper. # RM 243 on laid, watermarked paper. There follows provision for payments to adjust for any difference in value between the woman and the debt. The document is dated 11 Nov. Manuscript, size 8 in. On […]
USA 1857 issue 1c Franklin Scott #24 13 covers small collection
Thirteen covers, all franked with singles or multipes of 1 cent Franklin Scott #24, used in appropriate time period. Assume some covers will have faults. Postmarks include Maspeth NY, Emporia KS strip of 3, Moline IL strip of 3, Cleveland OH strip of 3, Waterville ME, Boston MA 5 covers (all with PAID cancels), New […]