Drbobstamps US Scott #99 Used VF Stamp Cat $1600

All stamps are guaranteed sound unless otherwise noted in the description. Stamps are Original Gum or No Gum as Issued unless otherwise indicated. NH = Never Hinged, PH = Previously Hinged, VVLH = Very Very Lightly Hinged, VLH = Very Lightly Hinged, LH = Lightly Hinged, H = Hinged, HR’S = Hinge Remnant(s), HH = […]
Silhouette Mint Stamp Printer

The printer has used, and there are some marks on the top, but doesn’t affect it to work. Also the package includes: 11 stamp ink 8 30x30cm new stamp 10 45x90cm new stamp 2 15x60cm new stamp 4 30x60cm new stamp And already custom made 12 stamps.
USA Scott O25 O111, 22 Different Used Officials (SCV $2150)

Includes Scott O25, O35-6, O39-41, O44, O51, O57-8, O61-6, O80, O95, O100-1, O106, and O110-1. Many are sound, but centering varies. Expect a few faults. Storefront in Brighton, Michigan. Auctions, Retail, Stamp Shows, Internet. Member ASDA, APS, USSS, ATA, and MSDA.

UNITED STATES Sc 100 Used FVF. We will do our best to solve the problem Scanning is part of the description. Please inform if you take this option.