US Stamps mix. Unchecked oddments. Worth close inspection. Many scans to view

US mixed stamp lot of oddments in mixed condition. A very few are Canal Zone etc. Unchecked in any detail and worth a close inspection. Many scans to view. Includes coil strip double perf? Schermack, coil line etc. Now approx 300 stamps. Relisted as a few more stamps added from various collections, in mixed condition. Unchecked random mix of oddments in mixed condition. A very few are non US (Canal Zone etc). Worth a close inspection. Now approx 300 stamps (relisted as a few more stamps added from various collections, in mixed condition). First image is an overview of the lot. Get Supersized Images & Free Image Hosting. Create your brand with Auctiva’s. Attention Sellers – Get Templates Image Hosting, Scheduling at Auctiva. Com. Track Page Views With.