United States, Scott 36 in Used Condition

United States, Scott 36 in Used Condition as shown in the scan(s). Scans are part of the description but please ask questions for clarification if needed. Stamp catalog numbers and values can change substantially over time, so please ask questions. Older USA stamps can be very difficult to identify correctly. If you have information to pass along that would suggest the stamp has been mis-identified, please do so — I appreciate your information immensely! BUYERS: PLEASE DO NOT PAY FOR MULTIPLE ITEMS WITHOUT FIRST REQUESTING/RECEIVING AN INVOICE. Single items may continue to be paid directly, without waiting for an invoice. Please ask questions if the following information is too convoluted to understand. I expect and request payments within a two-week period. THE COMBINED H&S CHARGE WILL BE DETERMINED BY WEIGHT, DESTINATION, PACKAGE SIZE. UNFORTUNATELY, THE LIST OF BLOCKED DESTINATIONS SEEMS TO CHANGE FREQUENTLY. Buyers, would you please return the feedback favor? Please leave feedback and the related ratings to indicate your receipt and acceptance of the order. PLEASE, PLEASE contact me if there are any errors or mistakes discovered in the listing or after receipt of goods.