The 19th Century Postage Stamps of the United States Vols 1 & 2 Signed Brookman

Volumes 1 & 2. See photos for actual condition. Be sure to check our other listings for more great books.
Keith Haring Original Drawing, UFO & man, Signed 1982, Haring Stamp on Back

Original Drawing in Black Marker, Headless. Signed Keith Haring 1982. 25 x 25cm 10 x 10 inches. Superb drawing in black marker, not a print of any kind. Marker can be clearly seen on the back, please see photos. Stamped on back’Keith Haring Estate. We are a small boutique gallery operating in the UK and […]
The United States Postage Stamps of the 20th Century Vol. 2 SIGNED De Luxe #80

#80 of only 100 books made!
United States 1926 Alan Cobham Peri-Columbia Demonstration Flight Signed Cover

United States 1926 Alan Cobham Peri-Columbia Demonstration Flight Signed Cover. 1926, Cobham Pre-Columbia Demonstration Flight, 2c postal stationery cover, postmarked Washington D. (Dec 4), with blue “Cobham First United States Overlight Flight” handstamp, signed Alan J. Cobham in ink, an uncommon signed cover, very fine. Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association. Are the responsibility […]
United States 1929 Jimmy Doolittle Signed Army Air Maneuvers Ohio Flight Cover

United States 1929 Jimmy Doolittle Signed Army Air Maneuvers Ohio Flight Cover. Doolittle at left, no backstamps, attractive. Doolittle of the famed “Doolittle Raid” on Japan in World War II was also one of the most renowned American pilots of the inter-war years, completing many coast-to-coast flights and competing in a number of aviation races. […]
Worldwide lot of stamps 1800/1900 Used some signed. $$$$

Stamp 1800/1900 Used some signed. United States 1869 stamp without grip RARE. Great Britain 1840/41 heavy bluish paper signed. (solo se paga un envío en compras realizadas durante 3 días).
United States 1930 Bernt Balchen Signed Byrd New York Airport Dedication Cover

United States 1930 Bernt Balchen Signed Byrd New York Airport Dedication Cover. Cover franked with 5c Air Post, tied by Brooklyn slogan cancel (JUN 26), printed “Welcome Home Admiral Byrd” cachet and handstamped Floyd Bennett Municipal Airport Brooklyn New York City dedication cachet, signed “Bernt Balchen” at left in ink, attractive and very fine. Member […]
United States 1936 Ruth Nichols Signed New York Philatelic Exhibition Cover

United States 1936 Ruth Nichols Signed New York Philatelic Exhibition Cover. Cover franked with 3c imperforate New York Philatelic Exhibition imperforate souvenir sheet, tied by event cancel (May 9, 9:30am), signed Ruth R. Nichols I ink at upper left, no backstamps; one of the first woen to receive a Department of Commerce transport license, in […]
Signed 2023 Snap Benefit Increase Approved All States Latest Ebt Low Income Food Stamps Update

United States 1931 Aviator Lowell Smith Signed Douglas World Cruiser Pilot Cover

United States 1931 Aviator Lowell Smith Signed Douglas World Cruiser Pilot Cover. Cover franked with 5c Air Post, tied by Bristol RI duplex (Feb 5), signed Lowell H. Smith” above typed “U. Amy / Around the World, to Rahway, New Jersey, with arrival backstamps; Lowell was pilot of the DWC “Chicago, ” one of two […]