Momen Us Stamps #35 Imprint Used Vf Lot #81258

One of the best stocks for better World Wide & US stamps. WE WILL RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS. We strive to describe the items as accurate as we can. Check out our other auctions! We strive to display the highest quality images of the front & back of the stamps. Unlike other sellers we do not […]
TangStamps Great Britain #1 Penny Black Used Pair With Imprint, Queen Victoria

Sorry for the inconvenience. You can return an item any time if it is proven to be unauthentic by a generally recognized authority e. G, BPA, CSS, RPSL, etc. Proof that a mutually acceptable authority declines to express an opinion is not grounds for the return. We will try every effort to make sure you […]
US 27 5c Jefferson Used Brick Red Margin Imprint Capture PF Cert F-VF SCV $1450

We stand behind everything we sell. We accept APS, PF, & PSE certificates on philatelic items. Encased holders are not accepted. Specific grades on certificates or confirmation of faults described in the listing. Or the inability of the agency to offer an opinion, will not be grounds for return. Tracking information should be available by […]
PETERSBURG VA NOV XX 1864 CSA #11 ADVERTISING Venable & Morton imprint

PETERSBURG VA NOV XX 1864 CSA #11 ADVERTISING “Venable & Morton” imprint on the reverse. Cover was opened at the top with part of back flap missing, note also small hole on the front. Nice large 4-margin stamp with the RED Petersburg making this an 1864 usage. In my advertising cover census there are 3 […]
U. S. 24 Used Imprint Capture Copy (52719)

24 Used Imprint Capture Copy (52719). BIG Stamp, with imprint capture at left, slight toning, small fauklt at UR, neat San Fran Cancel, an unusual stamp for te specialist. NOTE: Sales are Final on all Multiple Lot listings, Collections or groupings of stamps, or sets of stamps. ALL SALES OF TOBACCO RELATED ITEMS ARE FINAL!!! […]
Momen Us Stamps #10a 3 Lines Cut Var. Imprint Used Pse Graded Cert Xf-sup 95
Used ORANGE BROWN imprint POS 50R, 3 lines recut in the upper left triangle variety w/ CLEAN 2017 PSE GRADED CERT (#1339028) XF-SUP 95. One of the best stocks for better World Wide & US stamps. WE WILL RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS. We strive to describe the items as accurate as we can. Check out our […]