CLEVELAND, OHIO Cleavel O Aug 9 1822 FL Cleaveland/Green Bay M. T. To Erie PA

CLEVELAND, OHIO “Cleavel O Aug 9″ Manuscript 1822 Folded Letter Cleaveland/Green Bay (Michigan Territory). Black manuscript Rated 12 1/2 to Erie Pennsylvania. 3 1818 – July 3, 1836 to Cleaveland where it was posted to Mr. Henry Clark, Erie, Pennsylvania. Original spelling for Cleveland, Ohio was Cleaveland and abbreviations of Cleav’d and Cleavel. Originally named […]
USA Scott 2115 22¢ Flag Over Capitol Erie Blue #4 Used Pnc Single Rare
You are purchasing a used PNC single of the 22. ¢ Flag over Capitol. “Erie Blue” ink contamination variety with plate number 4. This variety is rarely offered. Please see the scans for centering and condition. The first scan is 600 dpi, the maximum resolution my scanner allows. Thank you to Dan Forgues for kindly […]