US Revenue Stamps 1862-71 First Issue (1c-$5) Used Horizontal Pairs 12 Diff

See scan for exact items in lot… Great lot for US Revenue collector. Please consider adding me to your’favorite sellers’ list if you are interested in this type of material, as I will be offering more nice US revenues on a regular basis. Powered by SixBit’s eCommerce Solution.
EDW1949SELL USA Terrific collect 10 Diff. Nature in America Pugh Hand Painted

EDW1949SELL : USA Terrific collect 10 Diff. Nature in America Pugh Hand Painted. Very Fine Choice set. 6 Autumns Way, Brookfield, Connecticut 06804, U. INTERNATIONAL BUYERS PLEASE NOTE. Doing that is against U. We reserve the right to request buyers to pay for tracking numbers using. Terms & conditions for Tracking numbers requirements will always […]
USA B. O. B. Collection. All diff. Mint & Used withmany Better values. Cat $1,238

USA : B. O. B. Mint & Used w/many Better values. SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE IMAGES. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >. Back of Book collection. All different Mint & Used with many Better. Overall quality is much nicer. 4 Finance Drive, Suite 201, Danbury […]
#63 // 78 1c 24c 1861 (11) DIFF USED ON ALBUM PAGE CV $2,100 BU5300

Mi nt = With original Gum. Unused = Stamp without gum or regummed. We review all best offers. Certain items, such as ZEPPELINS and HIGH DENOMINATION notes, have very little profit margins, leaving very little room for discounting. Offers within 5% of the asking price have the best chance of acceptance. Stamps described with FAULTS […]
#rw1 // #rw45 (39) Diff. Used Duck Stamps Some With Faults CV $1,166 Bq8203

Mint = With original gum. Unused = Stamp without any gum or regummed. WE WANT TO HAVE CLEAR AND DIRECT COMMUNICATION WITH ALL OF OUR CLIENTS. MORE GREAT DEALS FROM MY OTHER STORE!! WILLIAM S LANGS STAMPSTORE. We review all best offers. Certain items, such as zeppelins and high denom notes, have very little profit […]
US Bureau Precancels 1926-32 Standard Types Blocks of 4 NY-WY 395 Diff
United States Bureau Precancels Precancels Assorted Towns/Types – Blocks of 4 – 395 Different. Long Island City, NY to Casper, WY… Good assortment – better blocks seen in the groupings… Nice lot for a US or Bureau precancel collector.. The item “US Bureau Precancels 1926-32 Standard Types Blocks of 4 NY-WY 395 Diff” is in […]
USA Old Time all diff. Used collection mostly 19th Century. Many well centered
USA : Old Time all diff. Used collection mostly 19th Century. Old Time all different Used collection. 4 Finance Drive, Suite 201, Danbury CT 06810. INTERNATIONAL BUYERS PLEASE NOTE. Doing that is against U. BUYERS FROM ITALY PLEASE NOTE. Unfortunately, we must have this policy because too many packages are being lost. We reserve the […]
#REA22b // 28 (6) DIFF 1871 BEER STAMPS (3) USED & (3) UNUSED CV $550++ BS6372
Mint = With original gum. Unused = Stamp without any gum or regummed. WE WANT TO HAVE CLEAR AND DIRECT COMMUNICATION WITH ALL OF OUR CLIENTS. MORE GREAT DEALS FROM MY OTHER STORE!! WILLIAM S LANGS STAMPSTORE. We review all best offers. Certain items, such as zeppelins and high denom notes, have very little profit […]
Mint = With original gum. Unused = Stamp without any gum or regummed. WE WANT TO HAVE CLEAR AND DIRECT COMMUNICATION WITH ALL OF OUR CLIENTS. We review all best offers. Certain items, such as zeppelins and high denom notes, have very little profit margins leaving very little room for discounting. Offers within 5% of […]