Drbobstamps US Scott #85B Used Pre-Printing Paper Creases Stamp Cat $1200

All stamps are guaranteed sound unless otherwise noted in the description. Stamps are Original Gum or No Gum as Issued unless otherwise indicated. NH = Never Hinged, PH = Previously Hinged, VVLH = Very Very Lightly Hinged, VLH = Very Lightly Hinged, LH = Lightly Hinged, H = Hinged, HR’S = Hinge Remnant(s), HH = […]
US #R102a $200.00 green & red, Imperforate, used, light creases, PF certificate
Please visit our ABOUT ME PAGE for current information concerning our company. CONDITION: All stamps are genuine and without faults and all mint stamps are with original gum unless otherwise described. Any existing faults will be fully described except those that are readily apparent from the photo, such as missing perforations, heavy cancels, etc. Large […]