Scott# 230-245 COMPLETE Columbian Set Used Very NICE APS Life Member SCV $4400+

Some with EXCELLENT CENTERING – see photos. MINOR perf flaws possible.
US SC #230-245 Complete Columbian Stamp Set. Used. CV $4410.20

US SC #230-245 Complete Columbian Stamp Set. Please zoom in on the pictures to see physical details. This is the exact item you will be receiving. Please see item specifications in the “Item specifics” section. These values are intended to give you an approximate idea only. Thank you for your interest! We will strive to […]
WPPhil US Stamps Scott 230-245 Columbians Used Complete set including Broken Hat

The stamps are as pictured and have no major flaws. The extra 2ยข is the Broken Hat Variation. The stamps have a great range of interesting cancels. Other have an almost Mint NG appearance. Note the brightness on some of the stamps. A great opportunity to acquire the complete set at a competitive price. The […]
BJ Stamps U. S, #230-245, 1893 COLUMBIAN EXPO collection, most MH, CV $10750
Housed in a Lighthouse Hingeless album with added descriptions. Group has a total of 48 individual stamps, which include a few as multiples. Generally stamps are Fine to Very Fine. Most stamps are Mint Hinged but may have some gum problems including disturbed gum, no or partial gum and gum skips. Also, a few stamps […]