Puerto Rico Excise Tax Bob United States Stamps Used Lot 596a

I sell most 99% of my stamps as unidentified WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET IF ONE STAMP IN PICTURED THAT IS WHAT YOU GET. I do not own a catalog or a watermark tool or even a perf gauge I make no claims to the identity of any stamp just an occasional scott number other than the country the stamp is from. PLEASE READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION IT IS THE BUYERS RESPONSIBILITY TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ITEM PAGE IN FULL. STOCK PAGE OR DEALER SHEET IS NOT INCLUDED. Please do not pay for the items one at a time when you have more than one ending for the day. BOTTOM LINE IS THAT I CANNOT PASS A SAVINGS ON TO YOU IF I DON’T GET IT MYSELF. Description: SEE TITLE OF ITEM. THE ITEM SHOWN IS THE ONE YOU WILL GET I DO NOT LIST EACH LITTLE FLAW PLEASE LOOK THE PICTURE OVER WELL. Country: SEE STAMPS AND TITLE. Various Condition: As pictured VARIOUS MEANS THAT THERE MAY BE THINS AND OR OTHER DAMAGE ON THE BACKS OF THE STAMPS. Comments: The stamps pictured are the ones that you will receive. You will receive the actual stamps in the scan. We are not a professional stamp dealer or stamp expert. I do not even own a Scott catalog. Thank you for looking and for your business. All located at the bottom of the page. Check our other auctions. Track Page Views With.