Embassy of the United States of America, official German stamps, 1940 letter MJP

Embassy of the United States of America, official German stamps, 1940 letter from MJP. If you know history a bit. Government, Army, Ministry Of Defense. The letter was sent by the USA Embassy in Berlin, NAZI Germany to the Peabody State Bank. Actually a pretty small, unknown bank in KANSAS, rural area. Now, now it becomes interesting! Around Peabody, the US Gov set up a few larger POW – Prisoners of War Labour camps, which would be filled up with German and some Italian soldiers, thereafter.. ROOSEVELT and CHURCHILL wee in secret contacts over an USA involvement, into a war with Germany and the change of Government in London. Apparently, in the night of May 20 1940, a Diplomatic “Blackout” of all USA Embassies around the world occurred (Joseph Kennedy, US embassy London), and lasted for up to 6 weeks. Mind, the letter was posted well BEFORE America entered the war! Interesting is also, the letter comes with Washington USA cancel only, on German stamps! This kind of envelope is probably a one of its kind to find HISTORIC artefact!