STAMPS-UNITED STATES. 1855. 10c Washington Green Type III. Scott 15. Used

Stamps-United States of America-Classics. Used Indistinct Black CDS Cancel. The fast, easy, and secure way to pay online. Though I will post by International Signed For but the cost of this must be paid by the purchaser. If these terms are acceptable, please contact me and I will send an invoice including this service. This […]
STAMPS-UNITED STATES. 1861. 24c Brown Lilac Washington. SG 66a-Scott 70a. FU

Stamps-United States of America-Classics. 24c Brown Lilac – Washington. Has what may be a natural paper wrinkle centre left, just shows very slightly on the front. 2 nibbled perfs, otherwise a great looking Fine Used Example with a Black St. The fast, easy, and secure way to pay online. Though I will post by International […]
STAMPS-UNITED STATES. 1859. 5c Deep Brown Washington. Type I. Scott 29. Used

Stamps-United States of America-Classics. 5c Deep Brown – Washington. Centred Slightly High and Good Perforations. Fine Fine Fine Used Indistinct Black CDS Cancel. The fast, easy, and secure way to pay online. Though I will post by International Signed For but the cost of this must be paid by the purchaser. If these terms are […]