US R102c $200 First Issue Revenue Stamp Used F-VF $850

We stand behind everything we sell. We accept APS, PF, & PSE certificates on philatelic items. Encased holders are not accepted. Specific grades on certificates or confirmation of faults described in the listing. Or the inability of the agency to offer an opinion, will not be grounds for return. Tracking information should be available by […]
US R102c $200 Internal Revenue Used VF SCV $850
I’m here to sell collectib les that you’ll be proud to own! For equally interesting and desirable collectibles, p lease view our other items at https://. Mint Stamps have Original Gum (OG), Unused stamps have No Gum (NG) or maybe Re-Gummed (RG), or No Gum As Issued (NGAI). Gum may be Never Hinged (NH), Lightly […]
#R102c $200 INTERNAL REVENUE STAMP VF+ USED CV $1,000++ HW3191
Mi nt = With original Gum. Unused = Stamp without gum or regummed. We review all best offers. Certain items, such as ZEPPELINS and HIGH DENOMINATION notes, have very little profit margins, leaving very little room for discounting. Offers within 5% of the asking price have the best chance of acceptance. Stamps described with FAULTS […]
US R102c $200 Internal Revenue Used F-VF SCV $1000
A nice example of this popular stamp. I’m here to sell collectibles that you’ll be proud to own! Don’t think my price is fair? Make me an offer! Please check out our store for other interesting and desirable items! The free listing tool. The item “US R102c $200 Internal Revenue Used F-VF SCV $1000″ is […]