#12, USED, Very Fine, bright RED face-free cancel, 2011 PSE (grade 80), SMQ $700

United States of America. 5c Thomas Jefferson – Red Brown (1856 Issue). A brightly colored stamp with beautifully placed. Red grid and circular date cancellations that are “face-free”. Not obscuring Jefferson’s image. T here are no faults, an attractive 1856 color cancellation. 2011 PSE certificate #1233566 (graded 80). The 2024 Scott Cat. If you have questions regarding this choice Scott #12, please contact Christopher Rupp. Rupp Brothers was established in 1975 – our 49th year in business as professional philatelists. Contact Christopher Rupp to sell your quality Fancy & Color Cancellations. Waterbury, Skinner-Eno, Cole, Weiss and Blake/Davis listed cancels are particularly sought after. Substantial premiums will be paid for stamps with exceptional strikes. For the rarest cancellations, it is preferred that Philatelic Foundation certificates accompany your stamps. Christopher can be counted on to provide collectors with competent and trusted advice. Collectors deserve to receive the full market-value for their philatelic collection. Christopher Rupp will work, on your behalf, to achieve your philatelic and financial objectives.